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Ctenarsky-denik.cz > Životopisy spisovatelů > Ernest Hemingway - anglicky

Ernest Hemingway - anglicky

Kategorie: Životopisy spisovatelů

Typ práce: Životopisy spisovatelů

Další díla spisovatele: Ernest Hemingway

Životopisy spisovatele: Ernest Hemingway

Škola: Gymnázium, Vítkov, Komenského 145, příspěvková organizace, Vítkov

Charakteristika: Práce zpracovaná jako maturitní téma Můj oblíbený spisovatel sleduje život a literární tvorbu Ernesta Hemingwaye a na závěr popisuje stručně děj jeho novely Stařec a moře.


Stařec a moře


"Ernest Miller Hemingway was an American author and journalist
He was born on the 21st of July 1899 at Oak Park, Illinois as on of one of six children. Hemingway´s
mother Grace Hall had an operatic career before marrying his father Clarence Edmonds Hemingway who was a doctor.

Ernest was active in sports and his father taught him to love out – door life so he was an exelent hunter and fisherman. Ernest attended the public school in Oak Park and published his earliest stories and poems in his high school newspaper. His parents wanted him to be a doctor , but after graduation from highschool , he began his writing career as sport reporter for the Kansas Citystar. He worked here six months and than he joined a volunteer ambulance unit in Italy during the World War I. He was an ambulance driver with
the Red cross. Shortly before his 19th birhtday he was badly injured by enemy fire and spent seweral weeks in hospital in Milan. His´s affair with an American nurse, Agnes Korowsky,during his hospitalization gave basis for the novel „A farewell to arms“.

Hemingway return to Chicago in 1919 and than went to Canada to work for the Toronto Star. During the twenties Hemingway became a member of expatrite Americans in Paris, „The lost generation“. Here he worked hard to become a writter and he wrote his first works – e.g. „In our time“ , a collection of short stories and „The torrents of Spring“ a novel whitch went unnoticed by the public. With the publication of „ The sun also rises“ in 1926 he got a reputation as a novelist. Written in an original style it quickly influenced other writters. Than he published a collection of short stories „Men without women“. In 1928 he returned to USA and at Florida he worked „A farewall to arms“ This tragic love story was filmed first time in 1932 with Gary Cooper. „Deth in the afternoon“ is a moving story of a bullfiting.Hemingway made trips even to Africa, so he wrote „The green hills of Africa“ The snows of Kilimanjaro“.Hemingway used his experiences as a reporter during the civil war in Spain as the background for his most ambitious novel „For whom the bell tolls“. One of the best parts of the novel is Robert Jordan´s monologue about what a beautiful place the world is and how much it is worth fighting for.

During the World War II. he was a war corespondent. When the War was over, he settled in Cuba where he lived until 1959. During this period of his life, he talked with many of the fisherman. One story, which he heard from them gave him the idea for his short novel „The old man and the sea“

Hemingway receive the Pulitzer Prize and later the Nobel Prize. During the last years of his life Hemingway had been honored internationaly, but he suffered fits of depression made worse by a serious stomach ailment. Writing was becoming impossible as he realized his own human weakneses. In 1961 he commited suicide. As his father took his own life after loosing his death to diabetes and his money.

The old man and the sea
The old fisherman Santiago, who lives who lives in Cuba, isn´t lucky, because he can´t catch any fish for a long time. But one day he sails for the sea and he catches a giat marlin.
This fish is verly big and strong so it is a hard struggle between the old man and the fish, which represents the anture. The man wins and kills the marlin. Until this time the fish has been his enemy, but than it´s a treasure. When the man sails back to the coast, he is attacked by sharks and they reduce the marlin into a skeleton. But everybody can see the giant skeleton so they know courageous and strong the old man is."





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